October 6, 2008

  • hooray for almost a week without a post.

    my first three days went very well.  day 1 was a little harsh, mostly because i got next to no sleep the night before and spent the entire day listening to lectures and reading training manuals.  thursday was a lot better, as i not only read manuals but i also observed several people doing actual work.  friday went great, i've started my actual training with practice data that i can completely decimate and make all kinds of wacky mistakes with.  so far i've made a few beginner mistakes, which is how we all learn.  so things are going well.  i'm looking forward to how things will go today.

    in gaming news, i'm making progress in kumatanchi, but it's starting to feel more and more like work rather than gaming, so i'm not sure how much longer i'll be able to keep playing it.  the thing is, though, if i stop then i'll have to delete my save data so i don't feel awful about not feeding kumatan for months.  but that will also mean, if i stop i stop forever.  i have an idea for how to get around that, but it'll still tug at the heartstrings.

    i've also gotten back into WoW.  i cancelled my account a while back, having lost interest after being faced with a 3 level flat grind to finish some quests.  i was also concerned about money, since it was nearing the end of the semester and i wasn't going to get financial aid anymore.  but now that i'm working, i can afford the cost of WoW.  as well, i read on wowwiki that a new patch had introduced mounts at level 30.  i stopped my game at level 27, so i had to get back in.  i managed to grind up to 30 in about two days, got my mount, and now i'm back on track.  i've got a couple of quests in my queue, so i'm looking forward to having some spare time to work on them.

    gotta leave soon.