March 23, 2009

  • well, the time has come.

    this will be my last entry.

    as of late, i feel like i have outgrown this place.  i don't write in here as much as i used to, and i don't feel as if writing in here is a necessity as i once did.  while i do still enjoy writing about what i do and what i think, i don't feel this is the best outlet to do so anymore.  i've been here for six and a half years, and it's time for a change.

    Xanga has almost felt like a giant community i've never really been a part of.  everyone seems to be vying for Featured status and True status, and aren't content unless they have both.  i've been content to sit on the outside, looking in on all of this.  and once i started attracting the attention of a few high profile Xanga blogs, it only highlighted this feeling all the more clearly.

    i'm not going to stop writing, i'm going to move my writing to place more fitting to someone who prefers to sit out of the hustle and bustle of these attempts to climb the internet ladders.

    you can follow my twitter, or you can subscribe to my wordpress blog, which as of this writing hasn't been installed. -

    let's end this thing...with yuno.

    it's been fun.  see you around.