June 5, 2008


    about a week ago i got one of those annoying e-mails from newegg offering a few deals.  i decided to look it over and saw one of the offers was a Motorola cable modem with free shipping.  i checked the price and it wasn't all that unreasonable.  SOLD.  in the same stroke i read over another e-mail they had sent to me, this one talking about hard drives.  what i saw was a 750 gig seagate drive for an outstanding price.  so i picked it up as well.

    they arrived yesterday!  i installed the modem and gave comcast a call.  i spent maybe 10-15 minutes on the phone with tech support, and my modem was recognized right away.  my connection seems a bit smoother, but that may just be rose colored goggles.  at the very worst, my connection is exactly the same.  except now i get a $3 break on the bill.

    my drive was a bit more tricky.  i had to mod my power supply's cabling to include a third SATA power connector, since i didn't want to use a molex adapter.  i added the adapter a little too low on the cabling, but it's no big deal.  popped it in, spun right up.  arch refused to boot, because the device block IDs had changed so it couldn't find anything.  a quick edit of menu.lst and fstab and i was set.  got it formatted and spent about seven hours copying ~400 gigabytes of data from one drive to another.  my previous setup was a 500 gig hard drive for my regular data storage and a 250 gig drive for anime.  now the 750 gig i bought is used for storage and the 500 has been promoted to anime.  the old 250 now sits in my enclosure as external storage.  so i now officially have external storage again and my internal capacity has been promoted to over a terabyte.  had to struggle with windows and getting the drive letters set correctly, but after doing so everything loaded like a champ.

    not the only thing i bought, though.  a close friend of my grandmother's sent me a $20 gift card for graduation.  i used it to pick up Lain 1 and GitS SAC 3.  haven't gotten around to watching SAC yet (what's wrong with me) but i watched Lain yesterday.  i forgot how trippy it is.  i also forgot how awesome it is.

    BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE.  a few nights ago someone in #/a/ linked to this.  i...couldn't help myself.  i had to have it.

    in other anime news, i caught up with subs of Soul Eater.  gets more awesome with each episode.  i wasn't sure if i would like Death the Kid, but so far he's proving to be a good addition to the cast.  and i am actually warming up to Black Star.  didn't think that would happen.